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In reality for an online shop to be successful that Digital Shop needs to have tracking of all of it’s visitors and sales from day one.Without it how can your Business make judgement calls when it comes to it’s marketing and campaigns.Our advice don’t leave your Website without it.

oozetech Team

Show your product to more eyes

Feels Like Home Cakes

Indulgence Muffins

Delicious Minicakes

"I’m So Fancy" Cakes

Good Old Cookies

Offers of the week

Make your Shop interesting by putting on really good can’t miss offers and sales.

Snow white cupcakes

12 pack for only   £8.90

Tea time tart

Only   £12.90

Selling On The Internet

Known as ecommerce

                 ecommerce merchants

There are many ways to classify ecommerce websites. You can categorize them according to the products or services that they sell, the parties that they transact with, or even the platforms on which they operate.

In this guide, we’ll look at all three aspects to give you a clear picture of what types of ecommerce sites are out there.

Classifying ecommerce merchants according to what they’re selling

Let’s start with the products and services typically sold online. Below is a list of ecommerce merchants according to what they sell.

Stores that sell physical goods

These are your typical online retailers. They can include apparel stores, homeware businesses, and gift shops, just to name a few. Stores that sell physical goods showcase the items online and enable shoppers to add the things they like in their virtual shopping carts. Once the transaction is complete, the store typically ships the orders to the shopper, though a growing number of retailers are implementing initiatives such as in-store pickup.